CACO switch things up with “Phase II Freestyle” [Video]

New Zealand based rapper/producer CACO who started working on his craft and developing an insatiable hunger to be an artist in his fourth year in high school. He slowly amassed close to a hundred self-recordings and has gone on to perform at several shows across the country. His latest effort now is working on an EP to be released at the end of August but in the interim, he shares the visuals for his one-off track “Phase II Freestyle”. The track is devoid of hooks and sees the NZ rapper going pound for pound with lines like “But what you know about a family that can’t open up/And what you know about your people that don’t know what’s up“. He blends heartfelt and bravado rhymes seamlessly as he pours his heart on wax with much gusto.

The visual makes use of performance shots of CACO on a carousel-type contraption, going round and round.

Keep up with CACO | SoundCloud : Facebook : Spotify: TikTok: Instagram