EXCLUSIVE: Tiny Harris Discusss O.M.G Doll Battle As Case Heads To Jury

In a dramatic face-off unfolding from years of legal skirmishes, a jury in Los Angeles now ponders the fate of a lawsuit between T.I. and Tiny Harris and MGA Entertainment over claims that the toymaker pilfered the likenesses of the OMG Girlz for its “L.O.L. Surprise! O.M.G.” doll line.

“After a lengthy three weeks, we are relieved to have finally shared our story,” Tameka “Tiny” Harris told AllHipHop in an exclusive statement, signaling a desire for a just decision.

Since 2009, T.I. and Tiny have managed the girl group OMG Girlz, a venture spanning until 2015, with a brief reappearance in 2017.

-Los Angeles, CA – 7/1/2012 – 2012 BET Awards – Arrivals

-PHOTO by: Sara DeBoer/startraksphoto.com

Startraks Photo
New York, NY
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Featuring: OMG Girlz
Where: Los Angeles, California, United States
When: 01 Jul 2012
Credit: Sara DeBoer/startraksphoto.com

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OMG Girlz: Photo by:
Sara DeBoer/startraksphoto.com

T.I. and Tiny started the legal showdown after they saw the group’s likenesses in MGA’s “L.O.L. Surprise! O.M.G.” dolls.

The couple’s efforts to address the issue with MGA through a cease-and-desist order in 2020 reportedly led to the company preemptively filing a lawsuit.

The Harris couple replied in legal filings asserting that the dolls’ hair, clothing, and names closely mirrored those of the OMG Girlz, arguing that this infringement justified a claim for nearly $100 million in damages.

In defending its stance, MGA claimed rightful possession of the doll line’s trademarks and imagery, a point emphasized throughout the trials.

The legal saga saw its first jury trial in January 2023, only to be thwarted by cultural appropriation claims, leading to a mistrial.

A second trial in May 2023 concluded with the jury favoring MGA.

However, procedural shifts necessitated by recent Supreme Court rulings called for a third trial.

On September 21, 2024, the latest legal engagement was sent to the hands of the jury, who must distill weeks of testimony and evidence into a singular verdict.

“The judge maintained impartiality, and we value the diligence the jury exhibited. With the case now entrusted to them, we believe they will deliver a verdict that is just and in favor of the OMG Girlz,” Tiny told to AllHipHop.