KyEhLay is looking for new “arrangements”

Rapper/educator KyEhLay makes his entry on our site with his new single titled “arrangements.” The somber track has a mellow piano riff and solid drum groove that forms the perfect backdrop for his insightful lyrics. He talks about a myriad of topics ranging from the skewed educational system laid out for black students and the disconnection between teachers and students. He approached it from a nuanced viewpoint and gives an honest performance ripe with evocative lyrics.


Another version of the song also responds to one of James Baldwin‘s discussions on Public Education at the University of California Berkeley. Also inspired by James’ essay “A Talk to Teachers,” and some of his other works, KyEhLay use it to bridge his own ideas and delivers a version you can listen to below.


Get “arrangements” on Apple Music, YouTube

KyEhLay educates as a polymathic dreamer, world-builder, and artist. Using rap, he crafts introspective analyses of societal and personal topics. His lyrics weave allusions to literature, anime, and pop culture. His compositions thread melodic flows, abstract thought, and allegories that emphasize self-evaluation, family, and growth.

Keep up with KyEhLay |  Instagram