Damien Quinn is a 33 year old MC from Kenosha, Wisconsin gaining notoriety in the underground as part of the horrorcore duo Dark Half. They only put out 2 critically acclaimed albums together until his partner in rhyme Geno Cultshit passed away of a drug overdose in 2015, but Damien kept himself busy by dropping a handful of EPs leading up to his official solo debut Disorder a couple summers back. But after a few delays, he’s finally following it up with a sophomore effort.
“B.M.A.L.” begins the album by talking about making them all bleed accompanied by an electro-trap beat from Devereaux whereas “Acadia” takes things into a more trap metal direction talking about the apocalypse. “Unconscious” is an awkward cover of Monoxide’s solo cut off the House of Krazees’ 1994 sophomore album Season of the Pumpkin as much as I love the original, but makes up for it with the demonic “I Can Make Them Change”.
Meanwhile on “Cursed”, we have Damien expressing his desire to watch the world burn on top of a manic instrumental leading into the eerie serial killer themed “Manhunter”. He later takes a shot that those who thought they’d try to kill him whilst reviving the trap metal sound on “Ready-Set-Assemble” with that type of production further carried into the mosh pit anthem “Panic Button”.
“ĆVND1RÜ” is a distorted call to expose the bones of the mistreated & unknown while “Hausu” addresses his lover with the production taking a stripped back detour. “The Woman Clothed in the Sun” works in some keyboard melodies attached to mythological lyricism & finally there’s the closer “Chapter 54”, which is a misty declaration of not conforming.
Of all the projects that Damien has dropped on his own since Geno’s untimely passing, this is finest one of them all. The production choices have significantly improved & we get a very well-told story of who The Great Red Dragon really is.
Score: 8/10