Guilty Simpson Seeks Growth on ”Guilt” (EP Review)

This is the 6th EP from one of Detroit’s greatest MCs: Guilty Simpson. Coming up as a member of the Almighty Dreadnaughtz collective & a frequent collaborator of the late J Dilla, it wasn’t until late March of 2008 where he officially branched out on a solo career by having Stones Throw Records back his incredible full-length debut Ode to the Ghetto. He has since followed it up with a handful of equally great projects including his Madlib-produced sophomore album O.J. Simpson, the Apollo Brown-produced Dice Game, the Oh No-produced Simpson Tape & more recently the Gensu Dean-produced EGO just to name a few. However, the hometown veteran’s seeking to deliver a portal between the listener & his Detroit reality in the form of Guilt.
“Looking for More” is a synth-laced opener to say sayonara to all the fakes whereas “Make It Count” with Jason Rose finds the 2 over a jazzy boom bap instrumental talking about burning through an ounce. Bronze Nazareth & Oh No tags along for the dusty “Off Herb” to show off their lyrical prowesses leading into the guitar-laced “Linch Pins” with Prince Po talking about being triumphant. The song “Go Where I Please” works in a funky bass-line getting in his battle rap bag while the penultimate track “Dark Night” has a more glossier aesthetic talking about having the heater ready. “For the Real Only” however closes out the EP with some strings dedicating it to all the authentic ones.
If anyone enjoyed EGO as much as I did, then I HIGHLY recommend giving Guilt a listen sooner than later because this is a very impressive EP. The desire that he has to grow artistically is truly inspiring & the cast of producers that Guilty brings with him for the ride bring more live instrumentation into the picture this time around with some highly interesting results.
Score: 8/10