Cyn Santana & Maleni Cruz Among Honorees At Empowering Women’s History Month Celebration

In a memorable celebration of Women’s History Month, Esmeralda Baez, a luminary in the realm of media, culture, and humanitarian work, orchestrated an intimate gathering that not only celebrated female empowerment but also aimed to foster connections among leading figures in various industries.
The event, held on March 15th at the chic Pappas NY, witnessed the convergence of 15 distinguished women who have each carved a niche for themselves in their respective domains.
The dinner, co-hosted by Woodford Reserve, was not just an ordinary gathering but a meticulously curated experience to honor the significant contributions and achievements of women across different fields.
Among the attendees were influential personalities such as “Love & Hip Hop” star Cyn Santana, podcaster, comedian, actress, and brand ambassador Maleni Cruz.
These women were recognized for their dedication to excellence and their relentless pursuit of empowerment.
Baez, a two-time best-selling author and a pivotal figure with UNICEF’s social and economic team of experts, utilized this event as a platform to elevate conversations around female achievements and the challenges that still lie in the path toward gender equality.
Throughout the evening, she demonstrated her commitment to creating spaces where women can share, learn, and support one another. The gathering also served as a testament to the power of solidarity and the remarkable strides women continue to make in diverse sectors.
It was a night of reflection, celebration, and inspiration, showcasing the collective strength and dynamic resilience of women who are breaking barriers and setting new benchmarks.
This exclusive dining experience was more than just a commemoration of Women’s History Month, it was a call to action for continued support and recognition of women’s contributions to society.
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Photography by- The Rich Godd
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Photography by- The Rich Godd
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