Kanye West Switches Focus From Hitler To MeToo Movement: “It’s Extortion”

Kanye West’s latest Twitter (X) tirade began with professing his love for Adolf Hitler and admitting he controls his wife, then turned toward the MeToo Movement.

The social movement and awareness campaign started gaining traction in 2017 and signaled a shift in attitude toward sexual abuse, harassment and rape culture. But according to Kanye West, who called for Diddy to be released from jail over his alleged sex trafficking charge as part of his rant, it’s all extortion.

“Me too is a woke agenda,” he wrote. “Me too is extortion. If a n#### really taped you then it’s legal not financial. Can’t nobody see that. Puff got me too’d. So did I. Free Puff. Did Puff get me too’d cause of the fighting or because of the money? I never seen a broke n#### get me too’ed.”

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Of course, Kanye West wasn’t done there. He then took aim at women who are perceived as overweight, calling them “sex offenders.”

He reasoned, “I see them and I’m sexually offended. Making lingerie for fat b###### is like giving knives to little kids. They gone hurt somebody. If you find yourself in a fat b#### p#### just remember it’s because you’re broke.”

West also applauded Elon Musk, the owner of Twitter (X), for allowing him to get away with the inflammatory posts he’s been making for the better part of two days.

“I gotta give Elon his flowers for allowing my fuckery,” he wrote, “It’s a whole new world! I gotta say Elon’s a real n#### for this.”

Kanye West’s inflammatory comes as he plots the release of his next album, the aptly titled Bully, and just days after he pulled up at the Grammys with his basically naked wife. The stunt sparked outrage and concern over the woman’s mental health. In several videos of the incident, he can be seen instructing her to remove her coat to expose herself.