Long Live O.G. Clay: T.I. Talks About His Late, Great Manager

Tip Talks To Chuck “Jigsaw” Creekmur About The Unique Bond Between Himself And His Late Manager Clay Evans
T.I., now a mogul in numerous industries, has opened up about his late manager, Clay Evans, who passed away just over a year ago. Their relationship was more than professional; it was deeply personal and profoundly impactful.
The beloved Atlanta music executive, born Claybourne Evans Jr., died on March 24, 2023. He was a significant figure in the city’s music scene, comedy and was also a close representative of Atlanta rap legend T.I. As the CEO of Rubicon Brand Management and VP of Grand Hustle Records, Evans Jr. played a pivotal role in shaping the careers of numerous artists. He worked closely with comedian Lil Duval, DJ MLK, and many others, leaving a lasting impact on the industry and the lives of those he touched.
Chuck “Jigsaw” Creekmur talked to Tip about the impact Clay had on him, from comedy and Hip-Hop to their personal dealings.
“Clay was an integral piece and just an undeniable asset to T.I., Grand Hustle, and my career as a whole,” T.I. stated in an exclusive interview at WonWorld Studios in New York City. He emphasized that Evans was not only a mentor and a brother but also an architect of the path he walked and the empire they built together. “It’s hard to put it into words because, as I see it, it’s immeasurable,” T.I. reflected.
The emotional weight of Evans’ passing was palpable in T.I.’s recounting of the creation of a tribute song, “LLOGCLAY (Long Live O.G. Clay).”
“The song was made the night before or a couple of days before his service. It was fresh on my mind, heavy on my heart,” T.I. shared. The raw emotion poured into the track made it a therapeutic outlet for T.I. during that challenging time, which continues today.
But what made Clay such a good manager?
“He had an expansive take on different cultures and what made certain regions – domestically and internationally – special, and how they could be applied to our business model,” T.I. explained. Clay’s style was also influenced by his military background.
Evans’ mentorship extended beyond professional advice.
“I can’t say there’s an area of life that we have not exchanged certain levels of information on. It was all on the table,” T.I. said.
Evans also played a significant role in T.I.’s foray into comedy. Having managed comedian Lil Duval and been involved in promoting comedy nights, Evans helped T.I. strategically organize his entry into the comedy world. “He came on to start to strategically organize an infrastructure and a plan of action for me entering into the world of comedy,” T.I. recounted.
One memorable moment T.I. shared was after a debacle at Barclay that resulted in Tip getting booed. A photo (captured by Creekmur) showed Tip and Evans huddled together. “I was processing all of the lessons and all of the information that came with the experience,” T.I. recalled.
Reflecting on Evans’ legacy, T.I. concluded, “Man, he was a good dude. Definitely a good dude.”
Rest in peace, Clay Evans.