Meek Mill Proposes Deal To Give His Music Earnings To Philadelphia

Meek Mill came up with an idea to help his hometown of Philadelphia on Wednesday (March 20). The outspoken rapper wanted to sign a contract with the city, which would receive 10 percent of his music-related earnings for efforts to reduce gun violence in Philly.
“Ima do a public contract with the city of Philadelphia where 10% of my music earnings go to the city of Philadelphia to combat gun violence in our city,” he wrote on X (formerly known as Twitter). “ima start this movement! PIP PHAT GEEZ. I wanna do in contract the city of Philadelphia!”
He added, “Ain’t nothing stopping me from talking the way I rap…. Too many of my friends got killed already!”
Meek made the offer days after Philly rapper Phat Geez was shot and killed in the city. Meek reacted to the 28-year-old artist’s death on Sunday (March 17).
“Rip phat geez,” he wrote on X. “Philly is a terrible place for black people to live… you see too much death!!!! Smh.”
Meek said something needed to be done about the gun violence In Philadelphia.
“If Phat really got killed in the holy month of Ramadan while fasting…. I think it’s time we fully break the streets up in Philly!” he wrote on Instagram Stories. “A lot of dummies with guns!”
Meek bemoaned the gun violence in Philly, yet he taunted supposed haters in his hometown less than two hours after proposing his deal with the city.
“It’s many groups in Philly hating on me now we hate them!” he wrote on Wednesday. “F### em we ain’t got no fear lol that’s why they on the net crying about me going to the studio 10,000 nights straight … these type are ‘parasite n#####.’”
Meek relentlessly posted on social media over the past few weeks despite fans urging him to stop. He refused to listen, repeatedly saying whatever was on his mind.