Victim Of Infamous 1999 Shooting Wants Case Against Diddy Reopened: “Justice Will Be Mine”

Natania Reuben claims Diddy got away with shooting her in the face during the infamous Club New York shooting in 1999 and believes the case should be reopened.
During an appearance on “Elizabeth Vargas Reports” Wednesday (March 27), Reuben said Homeland Security’s recent raids on Diddy homes gave her encouragement in her 25-year-long fight for justice.
“I finally felt like justice will be done, justice will be mine. And belong to all of his victims,” she said.
In December 1999, Diddy was arrested alongside his former girlfriend Jennifer Lopez, and Bad Boy rapper “Shyne” Barrow following a club shooting in Manhattan.
Diddy faced multiple weapons charges but was acquitted on all counts at trial. Shyne was found guilty and sentenced to 10 years in prison. In 2008, Ruben reportedly filed a $130 million lawsuit for compensation, which they settled in 2011.
Rueben insisted her story has remained consistent throughout the years and “immediately” named Diddy as the shooter.
“I literally watched them pull out the guns,” she explained before adding, I have a clear point of view. I was facing them directly and watched everything occur and have described it vehemently to all parties involved.
However, she was surprised that her testimony was cast into doubt.
“I didn’t have any reason to believe that someone wouldn’t believe me. But as things unfolded, it was a very short period of time where I realized that’s what was happening,” Reuben added.
Ruben Was Motivated To Speak Out After Lil Rod Claimed Diddy Bragged About Shooting
Earlier this year, Reuben repeated her claims on social media after producer Lil Rod filed his bombshell lawsuit. Rod claimed Diddy boasted about getting away with the 1999 shooting and letting Shyne take the fall.
Reuben said the lawsuit was a sign for her to speak out and believes the case must “absolutely “be reopened.
“Had people taken what I said more seriously and listened more intently, 24 years’ worth of people probably wouldn’t have had to suffer,” Reuben stated.