09XXI shares two tracks “I AM” and “TREE OF LIFE”

Emerging rapper 09XXI makes his entry on TWIB with these two exciting singles “I AM” and “TREE OF LIFE” taken from his new project.
“I AM” is a dark and reflective track that sees the rapper looking deeply within himself as he finds his footing in this crazy world. He makes use of a dark and punchy backdrop to share his thoughts on societal pressures and the need to embrace oneself in order to survive the craziness. His flow here is quite impassioned and energetic as he seamlessly flows over the dark engulfing backdrop laid before him.
Get “I AM” on SoundCloud, Apple Music
“TREE OF LIFE” is an insightful and thought-provoking tale of a couple pontificating on the dynamics of an unplanned pregnancy. The what-if scenario is bolstered by 09XXI’s evocative lyrics and story-telling abilities which puts the listeners right in the mix of the action. It’s quite engaging and makes listeners think deeply about the delicate topic. Singer/songwriter Jayh joins him on the song and delivers a sultry and alluring melodic performance to complete the mission.
Get “TREE OF LIFE” on SoundCloud, Apple Music.
Keep up with 09XXI | Soundcloud: TikTok : Twitter : Instagram