Banquer shares new project ‘Build Cypher Destroy’

Emerging Kuwait-born indie rapper Banquer‘s true identity is still under wraps for very good reasons but that hasn’t stopped him from making the music he loves. In his new release titled Build Cypher Destroy, he reflects on his past with an analogy to the teachings of supreme mathematics with his own personal faith and outlook in life.

The 13 track project starts with “Il Professore and his Mad Men,” a moody piece that dives into the concept of appearance and deceit. The beat here is dark and solemn and Banquer tells a tale of a heist but in reality, it is a diversion for something more sinister happening somewhere else. “Sate” is the next track and is built on a jazzy boom-bap beat sees the rapper reflecting on self-satisfaction and how it affects us in general but as usual, he approaches it from a twisted manner. He continues the mellow and reflective theme on “L’ego” as he explores the concept of growth and gaining knowledge by destroying one’s ego bit by bit. He follows up with three acronyms titled tracks, “SCL”, “ABT” and “SNL” which showcases his off-kilter and out-the-box subject matter ranging from Superhero themes, celebratory elements tied by a lot of wordplays, and engaging rhyme schemes. “SCL” has a punchy and happy vibe and the verses make use of words that begin with the letters S, C, and L. “ABT” has a reggae-dub feel with its heavy bassline, crunchy drums, and video game effects while SNL (Saturday Night Life) is built on anthemic horns and trap drum grooves showing a different soundscape thus far.

On “Fake Ape X (FAX),” he talks about the never-ending cycle to be number 1 and realizes that it’s almost impossible to keep that position in life because change is the only thing constant. “F’in It” is another solemn but thoughtful record where listeners get some jewels from the rapper on the topic of having faith in the process and not faking it. The project ends with three widely different tracks that bring different sounds and styles to the forefront. The upbeat time-travel-themed “Space Time Shuffle,”  the multiple rap name drops on ” Final Huddle” and the solemn, introspective aesthetic of the last record titled “Hail Mary.”

Overall Build Cypher Destroy, touches on a myriad of topics and is filled with layered meanings that listeners need to take time to unravel with more than one listen.

Keep up with Banquer | Soundcloud: Spotify: Instagram