Cuban Pete x Loka Prepare For The ‘Best Bar Nun’

An anticipated dose of earmilk has been brewing in the United Kingdom and without further ado, seasoned Hip Hop artist Cuban Pete and producer Loka announce the release of ‘Best Bar Nun.’ The four-track EP features Hanzo Bladez, Koki-Man, and Tone Spliff.

Pete along with the EP’s guests waste no time bar dropping. It’s fair to say and evidently based on his polished wordplay and cut-throat punchlines that Pete brings nothing less than his A-game. Those familiar with Cuban Pete know his style along with signature lyrics are bold and honest. He holds no punches while his tongue spews venom. In and out of the booth Cuban Pete sparks a bit of controversy with his thoughts on Hip Hop, his thoughts on current world issues, and doesn’t hold his breathe or fret if he offends anyone with his opinions. ‘Best Bar Nun’ reflects that, power 10.

Sincerely, featuring Tone Spliff, kicks off the EP and ultimately offers audiences an inside look into who Cuban Pete is, unapologetically. Don’t let the smooth and soulful intro fool you once the hard bass drops so do Pete’s bars. His stance although potent is rather simple. He’s been the same from a rug rat age to the present day. For some, he is a valuable commodity as he speaks out against hypocrisy and stands up for imperial rights. Through vivid wordplay, Pete makes it clear that he will continue to stand firm in his beliefs, elevate, and create a legacy.

A blend of gritty melodies and reggae vibes stand out in Pon The Battlefield, featuring Hanzo Bladez and Koki-Man. This is the hulk head-nod of the EP. Pete is lighting fire under lurking snakes, rats, and snitches. He’s eager to drag backseat rappers through the muddy, malevolent battlefield. They couldn’t get enough of Pete before, but just wait until now…

In Walk With Me, audiences will grip a different side of Pete, one that is transparent and vulnerable, but not weak. The classic bass and drums blended with compelling melodies underline Pete’s anecdote. He mentions his adolescence and a lifetime of lessons. How does he depict from dream or reality without sparking insanity? Come walk with Pete but prepare for rough pavements and detours.

Spit Game concludes the EP and is driven by striking drums to remind folks that Cuban Pete exudes the it factor. Imagine star qualities from the classroom leaked over worldwide, no local bubble for his vocals or rhymes. No need for a middleman or mediator, Cuban Pete can handle his own in and out of the booth, on and off the mic.

Once again, Cuban Pete displays his skillfully crafted lyricism and wordplay without disappointment. The UK Hip Hop sensation, without sounding cliché, keeps it real and thorough and has a knack for unifying his music with the best of the best production and DJs to deliver gems that not only accentuate him sonically but resonate and echo.

Head over to for bundle packs including the CD. Stay up to date with Cuban Pete at and connect with Loka at