Psweatpants keeps it candid on new single “HONESTLY”

South London rapper Psweatpants shares a new single titled “HONESTLY” which sees him in a reflective mood as he gives listeners an insight into his life. From his own struggles and tribulations, he pours his heart out on wax and holds nothing back.


Psweatpants is an artist representing the south of London. Throughout his younger and teenage years, he was always fascinated with music and the scene but it wasn’t until he got brought onto the stage by Wiley which solidified his passion for the art. A year and a half later he released his first song “With my chest” which was swiftly followed up by his debut E.P “Genisis”. Following up Genesis, Psweatpants released his second E.P “The sign above my head” two months later. Which gained media attention with a glowing review from the chief editor of Mixtape Madness and getting two of the five songs “Life innit” and “Things we do” played on the radio (BBC Introducing). “no reason” is the latest single from Psweatpants which will be on his Debut mixtape. Spitting with different flows, a potent delivery as well as having relatable, witty bars Psweatpants is an artist on a very fast rise and is someone you will be hearing of very soon. Hope you enjoy the content and watch this space.


Keep up with Psweatpants | Soundcloud