Brian McKnight’s Concert Gets Canceled After He Called His Biological Children “Evil”

Last month, Brian McKnight raised eyebrows with a few shocking comments about his biological children. While addressing backlash, he suggested that they’re “evil,” and only claimed his step-children. This, of course, prompted even more backlash. One of his biological sons, Niko, even took to social media to fire back, making some disturbing allegations against his father and insinuating that he’s actually the “evil” one.

Now, it appears as though McKnight continues to face the consequences of his remarks. He was scheduled to perform at the MotorCity Casino Hotel in Detroit at the beginning of June, but the event has since been canceled. This is due to social media users trolling even organizers online, making it clear that they weren’t interested in supporting him any longer.

Read More: Brian McKnight’s Son Niko Makes Disturbing Allegations Against Him After Being Called “Evil”

Brian McKnight Critics Troll Event Organizers

“Wouldn’t even go for free,” one unhappy commenter wrote. Another said, “Tell him bring his kids and we might come.” Those who bought tickets were later notified that the event had been canceled. Social media users are now celebrating, with some dubbing it “karma.” His ex-wife Julie even chimed in with a simple popcorn emoji, indicating that she’s enjoying watching it all unfold. Shortly after McKnight’s comments on their kids, she responded with a clip, comparing him to a child throwing a tantrum.

“The point of every negative situation, whether it’s an illness whether it’s a fool that you have to deal with because they keep entering your life when you are no longer giving any more energy to it, is to only keep you down to where they thought they had you because they were the author of an extremely abusive situation emotionally, mentally,” she explained. “So when everybody pulls that away, it’s like a kid without candy who throws a tantrum…” McKnight has yet to address the cancellation. What do you think of Brian McKnight’s Detroit show getting canceled after social media users trolled its organizers? What about all of the backlash he’s receiving online for calling his biological children “evil”? Share your thoughts in the comments section down below, and keep an eye on HNHH for more updates.

Read More: Brian McKnight’s Ex Julie Responds To Him Suggesting Their Children Are “Evil”
