Ja Rule Denied Entry Into The UK Ruining Tour – And 50 Cent Takes Credit

Rap star Ja Rule took to Instagram to lament a major setback in his career – being denied entry into the UK. And, of course, his lifelong enemy, 50 Cent, immediately had something to say about it, labeling the murderer and grabber a “b####.”
Last month, Ja Rule announced he was one of the headliners on the “Sunrise” tour with Keri Hilson, Lloyd and Mya. The rapper was supposed to perform his first international date in Cardiff, UK on March 1.
However, the rapper has been denied entry into the United Kingdom after months of planning. The unexpected news “devastated” Ja Rule.
“I can’t believe the UK won’t let me in I’ve spent a half a million dollars in production of my own money to put this tour together only to be denied and treat DAYS before my shows this is not fair to me or my fans these venues are 85% sold OUT and now I can’t come,” Ja Rule wrote on Instagram.
“The UK is one of the few European countries that restricts entry to people with criminal records. In general, you will likely be denied entry if you have been convicted of a crime punishable by 23 months or more under British law or served more than 12 months in prison,” he captioned in another post.
Ja Rule did serve time in prison., in fact, he was sent to the slammer for 28 months for gun possesion and tax evasion for failing to pay on more than $3 million dollars of money he made in 2004 and 2006.
As a result of his denial of entry into the UK, shows on March 6 (New Castle Upon Tyne), March 13 (Dublin Ireland,) and Glasgow (March 17) have been postponed.
50 Cent got wind of the news and reposted Ja Rule’s original post. First Fif claimed he didn’t have anything to do with the tour being canceled after reports claimed Ja Rule’s fans were blaming him.
However, in a follow-up post 50 Cent took credit for having the shows canceled.
“LMAO I got juice all over the place sucker!,” said 50 Cent, who recently returned home from his successful tour of Europe, implying he was responsible for Ja Rule’s international drama.